Thursday, March 5, 2009

Jim is lame ;)

OK, so I was randomly catching up on some blogs...updating myself on babies, family, and friends as I do every so often when I get a chance and am a little home sick for the midwest....when I was surprisingly not shocked to see my lovely husband, Jim, had yet to update our blog he was so adamant about creating about 5 or 6 months ago and stopped writing in shortly thereafter! So I have hacked my way into the blog and am going to try and update anyone who stills checks on this sad blog! :)
We FINALLY moved out of my parents' home. I love my family, but I love my own space even more! We are renting a loft in Long Beach, so we are not that far from my family. I had forgotten how comfortable our couch and bed are and am sooo glad to be able to enjoy them once again. ....I will leave it at that! ;)
Since the economy has only gotten much worse since we moved out here, Jim has reluctantly taken a job serving at The Melting Pot in the area. He continues to search for something more along the lines of ....well his dream. I feel a new wave of motivation coming his way so I am hoping some new progress or plans for the future will stir his soul and move us in the right direction. I, on the other hand, am nannying my niece and nephew, Maya and Magnus, and am consciously procrastinating on re-entering the professional social work world since I was so unhappy in my job before moving to CA. I want something more and since I am not sure exactly what that is just yet I am applying to go back to school to get my masters. College here I come!!! ...And besides who would want to be a working adult when you could have craft time and naps every day?! It's genius really. :)
It has been great to be back in LA and see some old faces and hang out with old friends. Our best friends, Robin, Michael, and Caitlin have finally gotten Jim over some of his shyness and he has actually sang karaoke...more than once!!! I, however, will probably only ever sing karaoke while seriously intoxicated....and trust me, you are grateful for that! I will have to find some great photos of our fun times in LA and post them soon for all to enjoy. I definitely have some karaoke shots to share!!!
LUCY!!! I almost forgot our little one!!! She is great and loves LA. I don't think she misses the snow, but I sort of did this year. She seems much happier and much more well-behaved since we moved into our own place. She ....well she's a dog, guys! What else is there to say?! Haha
I think that about sums up the last few months in a nutshell. No baby on the way this year like so many I know, but if you are lucky I will keep up on this blog a little more than promises though!!!
Love and miss you all...xoxoxo

1 comment:

.Bird. said...

It's funny but I'm always checking to see if you guys have finally posted or not - and now you have!

Glad to hear you guys have your own place now, and excited for your new plans of going back to school! I myself have applied to go back and FINISH my bachelor's *sigh* since I never did that... but it's exciting!

We just moved into a GIANT (and I mean, bigger than our previous giant) house with my sister and her family, so you guys should definitely come visit us and experience true community living! Oh wait, I guess you've been doing that with your family for awhile... but anyway, you should still come visit - and so should we!

Well I hope you're both well - much love from Andy and I - we miss you!
